Please read if you support the Second Wedge Brewery, dogs, cyclists, Uxbridge community, pets, infringement of blue tape vs reasonability etc etc. 
#Repost @thesecondwedge with @get_repost
Today, after an anonymous complaint, our local @durhamregionhealth inspector informed us we can either sell food, or allow dogs. 😳
THE DOGS WIN. Apparently this goes for more than just cheese boards from @passionate.cook - we can no longer sell packaged bags of chips, nor can we support local small businesses like @desbarreschocolates, @hurtberryfarminc or @benskettlecorn by offering their packaged products for sale. You can still bring in your own food or have it delivered. Having zero snack food onsite is ridiculous in our opinion, and we will be fighting this. Hope you can lend your support. Thanks, “anonymous.” If you want to call the health department and let them know how ridiculous this is, the number is 1-905-723-3818.
#dogfriendly #dogsarewelcome #tastingroom #beergarden #durhamregion #uxbridgeontario #discoveruxbridge #supportlocal

Please read if you support the Second Wedge Brewery, dogs, cyclists, Uxbridge community, pets, infringement of blue tape vs reasonability etc etc.
#Repost with
Today, after an anonymous complaint, our local inspector informed us we can either sell food, or allow dogs. 😳
THE DOGS WIN. Apparently this goes for more than just cheese boards from .cook - we can no longer sell packaged bags of chips, nor can we support local small businesses like , or by offering their packaged products for sale. You can still bring in your own food or have it delivered. Having zero snack food onsite is ridiculous in our opinion, and we will be fighting this. Hope you can lend your support. Thanks, “anonymous.” If you want to call the health department and let them know how ridiculous this is, the number is 1-905-723-3818.
#dogfriendly #dogsarewelcome #tastingroom #beergarden #durhamregion #uxbridgeontario #discoveruxbridge #supportlocal

By bigbluecanoe2 on 08-08-2019 04:53 - 3 views
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