Ants control service-Natural Ways to Kill Ants 206 571 7580 Hire a pest control professional
Large-scale ants infestations require assistance from a pest control for ants professional.

ant exterminators address ant problems by locating the colony itself; typically this starts by laying bait traps, which contain poisoned food taken back to the nest. Once found, exterminators can use a variety of techniques including chemical sprays to totally eliminate the ants in your home.

In the case of carpenter ants, early detection is critical. Left unchecked, they can cause significant damage to your home. A pest control professional may need to drill small holes in your wall to make sure the entire colony has been eliminated, and will often book a follow-up visit to make sure problems don't recur.

Costs of ant removal

The cost to remove ants yourself can be quite low. The price of a liquid ant killer or an ant trap runs between $5 and $10.

DIY treatments may be able to divert ants which have not established a colony, or deal with the scouts sent out to gather food. However, they aren't as effective at long-term removal or in addressing large-scale infestations.

Professional exterminators can charge between $400 and $1,000 to completely eliminate ants.

“A professional pest control company can apply what’s called a transfer insecticide, which is the most effective method for eliminating a sugar ant colony,” Anderson says. “Transfer insecticides are not available to the general public, but are very effective at getting rid of colonies inside a structure

By antennadeals on 13-05-2016 16:22 - 2 views
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